This pinch hitter sends it out of the ballpark

Three amazing women decided to post a photograph everyday and create a blog called 3x3x365. The first photo on each day’s post belongs to Patti Digh, the second to Kathryn Schuth, and the third is Amy McCracken’s.

Sometimes when life adventures take one of them them away from the connected world, they call in a pinch hitter. Patti has called up her husband, John Ptak, to pinch hit for her while she is speaking and teaching.

John Updike once described John Ptak’s writing as “brilliant.” Ptak’s March 15, 2014 post is, again, brilliant.

Emily’s Christmas and a dog named Gumball

Emily Newsom and a bundle of cute puppy

Emily Newsom (no relation) is giving up her Christmas wish list so that the Richmond Animal League (RAL), a No Kill shelter in Richmond, Virginia, will have more money to help care for animals of all ages who need homes. 

Gumball with his “forever” owner

RAL received a $500 check from Emily’s aunt and uncle on her behalf. Now someone else has stepped up and offered to match the first $2,500 in donations.

So far this year RAL has rescued 1,300 animals. Earlier this fall RAL found a “forever” home for Gumball, an aged dog with cancer who lived his last days in a home where he was immediately and deeply loved.

RAL’s Executive Director, Amy McCracken, is now creating a map to give to Emily showing where the donations came from. Of course she is hoping to have at least one from every state in the country.

There are lots of great animal shelters to support, and I hope you support one where you live.

Today let’s fill up a map for Emily.

Rural and Progressive

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