When courage replaces fear

This New Year’s Eve, for the first time in 30 years, I will not be celebrating with my husband. Instead, I will be celebrating with steadfast girlfriends, some who stepped from fear to courage years ago, and some more recently.

The unexpected is part of our lives. It comes in the form of small things like finding there aren’t any eggs in the frig when you have started mixing the pancakes (from scratch). Or that the job isn’t the right fit. Or the marriage. Or that marriage isn’t an option because you love someone who also has two X chromosomes just like you.

Later today I will join three brilliant women (we will miss you Marie!) for a walk on the beach, dinner, lots of laughter, maybe some tears, and a toast to a New Year where all of us will have crossed from some fear of our own to courage.

I am so lucky.

Rural and Progressive

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